How to buy and use
Digital Ticket : How to buy an Aizu Gurutto Card
Buy a digital ticket anytime anywhere on your smartphone!
Buy the digita ticketl 'Aizu Gurutto Card' here
Aizu Gurutto Card' is available for use on your smartphone as a digital ticket (TOHOKU MaaS or SamuraiMaas) or as a paper ticket.

Paper Ticket : How to buy an Aizu Gurutto Card
Pattern 1:
Buy the paper ticket and use it right away.
You can buy the Card directly from any of the 'Card Sales Locations'
Pattern 2:
You can pre-purchase a Voucher from a convenience store ticket machine or a travel company, and exchange it at a 'Voucher Exchange Location' for a Card.
- For those using the Gurutto Card from an Aizu Railway Station, please prepare an exchange voucher ahead of time, and exchange it for a Card at a Voucher Exchange Station.
- You can only exchange your voucher at Inawashiro Station. You cannot buy a card directly from there. If you want to use the Aizu Gurutto Card from Inawashiro Station, it is more convenient to buy it from Koriyama Station.
- You cannot use the voucher as is. You must exchange it for a Card at a 'Card Exhange Location'
How to Use
Just show either your paper ticket, or digital ticket to use it!
- Trains
While using in the service area's trains or busses, show your paper ticket or smartphone screen to the driver when you get on.
- Show your card at participating sightseeing spots, restaurants etc, and receive a discount
Aizu Gurutto Card Sales Locations
- Aizu-Wakamatsu Station (JR東日本 会津若松駅)
- Kitakata Station (JR東日本 喜多方駅)
- Aizu-Bange Station (JR東日本 会津坂下駅)
- Koriyama Station (card can be used from Inawashiro Station) (JR東日本 郡山駅)
- Aizu Bus Aizu-Wakamatsu Station Bus Terminal (会津バス 若松駅前バスターミナル)
- Aizu Bus Aizu-Wakamatsu Station Tourist Information Centre (会津バス 若松駅前案内所)
- Aizu Bus Kitakata Sales Office (会津バス 喜多方営業所)
- Aizu Bus Bange Sales Office (会津バス 坂下営業所)
- Aizu Bus Inawashiro Sales Office (会津バス 猪苗代営業所)
- Higashiyama Tourism Association (東山温泉観光協会)
- Nanukamachi Station 'Station Café' (七日町駅「駅カフェ」)
- Aizu Travel Service (会津トラベルサービス)
- Urabandai Lake Resort (裏磐梯LAKE RESORT)
- Urabandai Kogen Hotel (裏磐梯高原ホテル)
- Bandai Hibara Kohan Hotel (磐梯桧原湖畔ホテル)
- Aizu Astraea Hotels (Minamiaizu) (会津アストリアホテルズ)
- Kyukamura Urabandai (休暇村裏磐梯)
- Urabandai Tourism Association (裏磐梯観光協会)
- Aizu Misatomachi Tourism Association (会津美里町観光協会)
Aizu Gurutto Card Voucher Sales Locations
- JR East Major Stations Ticket Offices (みどりの窓口 Midori-no-Madoguchi)
- Lawson/MiniStop Ticket Terminals (Loppi) ※ See 'How to purchase ' below.
- FamilyMart Ticket Terminals ※ See 'How to purchase' below.
- 7-Eleven Ticket Terminals ※ See 'How to purchase' below.
- Kinki Nippon Tourist (近畿日本TOURIST)
- Tobu Top Tours (東武TOP TOURS)
- Nippon Travel Agency (日本旅行)
Aizu Gurutto Card Voucher Exchange Locations
JR East Japan Ticket Counter
- Koriyama Station (card can be used from Inawashiro Station)(JR東日本 郡山駅)
- Inawashiro Station (JR東日本 猪苗代駅) ※ You can only exchange your voucher at Inawashiro Station. You cannot buy a card directly from there. If you want to use the Aizu Gurutto Card from Inawashiro Station, it is more convenient to buy it from Koriyama Station.
- Aizu-Wakamatsu Station (JR東日本 会津若松駅)
- Kitakata Station (JR東日本 喜多方駅)
- Aizu-Bange Station (JR東日本 会津坂下駅)
※ For people using the Tohoku Shinkansen, you can exchange your voucher at the transfer gate to the Banetsu West Line at Koriyama Station.
※ The Gurutto Card can be used from Inawashiro Station, so customers must buy a separate ticket to ride from Koriyama to Inawashiro Station.
Aizu Railway Ticket Counter
- Nishi-Wakamatsu Station (西若松駅)
- Ashinomaki-Onsen Station (芦ノ牧温泉駅)
- Yunokami-Onsen Station (湯野上温泉駅)
- Aizu-Shimogo Station (会津下郷駅)
- Aizu-Tajima Station (会津田島駅)
※ For those using the Gurutto Card from an Aizu Railway Station, please prepare an exchange voucher ahead of time, and exchange it for a Card at a Voucher Exchange Station.
※ The Ticket Counter time may not be the same as the service hours for Voucher Exchange. We recommend using the digital ticket as it is available 24hours.
Aizu Bus Ticket Counter
- Aizu Bus Aizu-Wakamatsu Station Bus Terminal (会津バス 若松駅前バスターミナル)
- Aizu Bus Aizu-Wakamatsu Station Tourist Information Centre (会津バス 若松駅前案内所)
- Aizu Bus Kitakata Sales Office (会津バス 喜多方営業所)
- Aizu Bus Bange Sales Office (会津バス 坂下営業所)
- Aizu Bus Inawashiro Sales Office (会津バス 猪苗代営業所)
- Higashiyama Tourism Association (東山温泉観光協会)
- Nanukamachi Station 'Station Café' (七日町駅「駅カフェ」)
- Aizu Travel Service (会津トラベルサービス)
- Urabandai Lake Resort (裏磐梯LAKE RESORT)
- Urabandai Kogen Hotel (裏磐梯高原ホテル)
- Bandai Hibara Kohan Hotel (磐梯桧原湖畔ホテル)
- Kyukamura Urabandai (休暇村裏磐梯)
- Aizu Astraea Hotels (Minamiaizu) (会津アストリアホテルズ)
- Urabandai Tourism Association (裏磐梯観光協会)
- Aizu Misatomachi Tourism Association (会津美里町観光協会)
How to purchase a voucher at Lawson Loppi machines throughout the country.
Aizu Gurutto Card vouchers can be purchased at the Loppi ticket machines found in Lawson stores throughout the country.
Please operate the Loppi at your nearest Lawson as follows.
- On the TOP screen touch "Amusement / Leisure / Event / Movie" (アミューズメント・レジャー・イベント・映画のチケット)
- Please enter L code: 24115 as the product number
- Touch "Aizu Guruto Card voucher" (会津ぐるっとカード引換券)
- Select your desired voucher type and the number of vouchers you require
- Bring your receipt to the cash register, pay for your tickets, and receive your voucher.
※Please be aware that this voucher must be exchanged for a ticket within two months after the voucher is issued.
How to purchase a voucher with「JTBレジャーチケット」 (JTB Leisure Ticket)
"Aizu Gurtto Card vouchers" can be purchased at the ticket issuing machine at any 7-Eleven, Lawson・MINISTOP, Family Mart throughout the country.
Please operate the machine at your nearest convenience store as follows.
For a detailed explanation on how to purchase the card,please see the "Guide to Purchasing Leisure Tickets" on the JTB homepage.
The ticket product number is "0259732". Please take note of this to make it easy to purchase your ticket.
※Please be aware that this voucher must be exchanged for a ticket within two months after the voucher is issued.
- On the TOP screen, press“チケット”
- Press“JTBレジャー”
- Press“商品番号入力での直接購入”
- Enter the number “0259732”, Click“OK”
- Check the information displayed on the screen, and click “申込” if you agree.
- Check the details on the payment slip, and take to the register to pay within 30 minutes.
- When the Card is purchased or exchanged, the usage start date will be stamped on the back.
- The Card cannot be refunded after it has been received. For refunds for Vouchers, please contact the place where you purchased the voucher. Vouchers bought at convenience store ticket terminals are non-refunable.
- You must purchase a separate ticket for Express or Reserved seats.
- Cards can be refunded until the day before they are validated.
- Separate payment is required outside of the card usage area (trains/busses.)
- Cannot be used with other discounts/coupons.
- Please note that locations where vouchers and Cards are sold or exchanged may be subject to change.
For inquiries regarding transportation
- JR East Japan Inquiry Center Tel:050-2016-1600
- Aizu Railway Tel:0242-28-5886
- Aizu Bus Company Wakamatsu Sales Office (includes Haikara-san and Akabe) Tel:0242-22-5555