2-day free pass to ride trains and buses in the Aizu area
Aizu Gurutto Card Aizuwakamatsu City Tourism Division Discounts for area facilitiesa (Discounts at sightseeinng spots, accomodations, restaurants, souvenir shops, etc.)
2-day free pass to ride trains and buses in the Aizu area

Discounts for area facilities
If you present the "Aizu Gurutto Card" within the applicable area, in addition to 2-days of free rides on JR Lines, the Aizu Railway, Aizu Buses, Haikara-san, you can also receive discounts at sightseeing spots, accomodations, restaurants, and other facilities.
When using the card on modes of transportation, please make sure to carry the card with you and present it to the driver or crew.
The discounts offered at the sightseeing spots, accomodations,restaurants, souvenir shops, and rental cycle shops vary.
※Participating stores offering a discount can be distinguished by the sticker below.

Aizu Gurutto Card Price
Children⋅⋅⋅¥1,360 - For details, please see "How to buy and use"